# XYZ A pre-tiled image layer that uses a generic template URL to access raster tiles. An XYZ layer exposes no metadata, so the user is resposible for telling osgEarth about the `profile` and other aspects of the data source. The URL template MUST include the template parameters {z} (specifying the tile level), and {x} and {y} (specifying the tile offset within the level). The {y} parameter also suppose a unary negative in the form {-y} since it's common to see datasets that are flipped in the vertical direction. ## XYZImage, XYZElevation CLASS: XYZImageLayer (inherits from [ImageLayer](image.md)) CLASS: XYZElevationLayer (inherits from [ElevationLayer](elevation.md)) | Property | Description | Type | Default | | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------- | | url | Location of data source (local or remote), including templated parameters {x}, {y}/{-y}, and {z} (see example). The template also supports round-robin characters by way of square brackets ([]). | URI | | | profile | Tiling configuration of the data source (typically `global-geodetic` or `spherical-mercator`) | string | `global-geodetic` | ### Examples In this example, the template URL contains both an optional "round-robin" character set and the required z/x/y tile parameters. The round-robin set will cycle between three servers that balance the load of the requests: * a.tile.openstreetmap.org * b.tile.openstreetmap.org * c.tile.openstreetmap.org osgEarth will fill in the x/y/z parameters based on the current tile request during run-time. ```xml http://[abc].tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png spherical-mercator ©OpenStreetMap contributors ```